
Gearing up for Summer Swim 2025!

With the arrival of March, we are in full anticipation mode for the upcoming Summer Swim Season! I know many of you are eager to make summer plans so we wanted to reach out with some information to help you plan accordingly. 

Please keep our website (www.newmarkswimteam.com) in mind as you have questions leading up to the season as well as after the season starts. It has a ton of information to help you navigate the season. 

Board: The 2025 Board consists of:

President-Kayla Sheer

VP/Volunteer Coordinator-Melanie Rooney

Secretary: Judy Nye

Treasurer: Ashley Wesner

Registration: registration for returning families will begin on March 20th. New family registration will begin on April 3rd. 

New Families: if you know families who are interested in swimming with us this summer, please direct them to the website for more information.

Sponsors: if you own a business or work for a business that would be interested in sponsoring New Mark this summer, please email [email protected]

Practice Times: practice times will remain the same as last year. The first day of practice will depend on if/how many snow days need to be made up at the end of the year. Our first practice is currently scheduled for May 27th but that could be pushed back.

Facebook: if you've not joined the New Mark Stingrays FB page, it's another place to receive information and is also a fun way to participate in the Stingray community. 

Dates of Importance:

March 20-First day of Registration

March 20-Restaurant Night at Jose Peppers (all day!)

April 1-Rookie Assistant Applications open

April 3-New Family Registration

May 22-Meet the Coach Night (7-8:30pm)

May 27-First day of Practice (tentative)

May 30-Picture Day (morning)

June 12-Meet vs Kearney (Excelsior Springs Community Center)

June 17-Home meet vs Clayview (Senior Night)

June 17-Rookie Relays (morning)

June 26-Meet vs Coves (The Coves)

July 3-Meet vs Thousand Oaks (tentative--could move to July 1st)

July 10-Home meet vs Old Pike

July 15-Home meet vs Hills of Walden

July 15-Rookie Relays (morning)

July 17-End of Season Banquet

July 21-23-Conference Meet

We're looking forward to another great year of summer swim and can't wait to see all of your Stingrays soon! 

~New Mark Stingrays 2025 Board

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